Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Spirited Away

Sorry for the lack of posts. I've been busy moving into a new apartment and getting acclimated with it. Anyway, onto the blog post.

So I watched Spirited Away by the director/producer Hayao Miyazaki. Any Studio Ghibli fan knows this man by name as he has created many of the wonderful films that the Studio has produced.

In the movie, a young girl, Chihiro, is moving to a new house with her parents when, on the way, they take a "short cut" and end up on the other side of a river where magical things take place. Her parents get turned into pigs when they eat the food and Chihiro is left all alone to find someway back. That's when Haku, a young boy her age, comes to help her. She almost manages to get free, but is then discovered and has to ask for a job so she wouldn't also be turned into a pig. Along the way, she grows immensely as a person and makes new friends as well as discover what true love really is.

The movie is rated PG.

This is one of my favorite films by Miyazaki, simply because of the detail and thought that is put into his works. Spirited Away is a fine example as to what it's like to go through hardships in life, only to grow up and find that there is much more than just being a spoiled little kid.

I think that the details shown in this movie, from the many intricate details of the bathhouse to the characters' personalities as very well drawn out and portrayed in the film.

Click below to watch the trailer.
If you love fantasy movies, then this is definitely a movie to watch. It has romance, drama, action, blood... What more can you ask for?

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